• Question: hi, were your parents part of your inspiration?

    Asked by neve13 to Alyssa on 8 Jan 2018.
    • Photo: Alyssa Alcorn

      Alyssa Alcorn answered on 8 Jan 2018:

      Hello, you don’t say inspiration for what, exactly. If you mean inspiration for the type of work I do know, the answer is definitely not. I don’t think they really understand what I do for my job, and I think one of my parents certainly wishes I did something else more reliable that made more money.

      My parents always communicated that school was important, and the world was full of interesting things to do and know. However, I came to work in this area (technologies for autism) through a long series of coincidences that happened when I was an adult, and already living on the other side of the world from my family.
