• Question: do you like your job

    Asked by picklerick45 on 8 Jan 2018. This question was also asked by baconisthebae, neve12, nachochickenman, beef, lilbatyr, bethgrace, finnwilkinson1234.
    • Photo: Sophie Scott

      Sophie Scott answered on 8 Jan 2018:

      I love my job. It’s always interesting and always engaging, and I get to do lots of different things.

    • Photo: Alyssa Alcorn

      Alyssa Alcorn answered on 8 Jan 2018:

      I like some parts of my job, and feel neutral about some, and really REALLY dislike others.
      –Like: Data exploration and analysis, giving talks, writing papers, working with children and teachers in schools
      –Neutral: conducting interviews; reading papers of other research happening in our field; lab meetings; social media updates about project; some types of analysing audio and video data.
      –Really do not like: any time I need to call parents, schools, other researchers, or anyone on the phone for any reason; needing to organise/manage what other team members are doing; regular project Skype meetings; filling out expenses claims and timesheets; data entry; some types of analysing audio and video data

      I do more things than that but I’m tired and my brain is a bit stuck…!

    • Photo: Nadine Lavan

      Nadine Lavan answered on 9 Jan 2018:

      I love it and wouldn’t want to have any other job! Every day usually has something surprising in it. So if I happen to feel a bit bored with one task (for example, data collection can be very repetitive and dull for a researcher), I always know that it won’t last long and something different and probably more fun will happen soon!

    • Photo: Freya Wilson

      Freya Wilson answered on 10 Jan 2018:

      Overall I love it! I love that it is changes a lot and I get to do different things and I love that I have to be inventive and imaginative to solve problems.

      One of the things I don’t like though is having to do funding applications – asking research councils for money to fund your research can be quite stressful!

      Also sometimes, if you have a problem you can’t figure out or something isn’t working it can be really frustrating, but then when you solve it and it suddenly works you feel amazing – it’s very up and down like that.

    • Photo: Daniel Mills

      Daniel Mills answered on 10 Jan 2018:

      I love it, because I am constantly learning and learning is what your brain wants to do when all else is going well, so what could be better.

    • Photo: Phillip Burnett

      Phillip Burnett answered on 17 Jan 2018:

      I love it! I get to have a load of exotic pets as my companions as we go out and excite, engage and inspire people about nature and conversation. I get to play with snakes, lizards and Tarantulas whilst still living in an amazing city like london, talk about your concrete jungle hey!

    • Photo: Eloise Ainger

      Eloise Ainger answered on 17 Jan 2018:

      There are always opportunities to learn which is great and there are many parts of the job I really like, but there are of course areas that are not as enjoyable – as I would imagine in any job!
